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Road traffic during the Midsummer weekend: See traffic forecasts, road works and remind yourself about the factors affecting Midsummer traffic

Midsummer traffic will start towards the end of the week. Fintraffic, the police, the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), the Finnish Road Safety Council, the Emergency Response Centre Agency, the Ministry of the Interior Department for Rescue Services and the Finnish Meteorological Institute wish you a safe Midsummer on the road. Safe Midsummer driving involves careful route planning, unhurried travel and, above all, a rested and alert driver.

According to Fintraffic’s road traffic management forecasts, outbound Midsummer traffic will be at its busiest the day before Midsummer Eve (Thursday 20 June). Outbound traffic is still expected to be busy on the morning of Midsummer Eve (Friday 21 June), but significantly less so than on the previous day. Return traffic, on the other hand, will peak on Midsummer Sunday (Sunday 23 June).

Allow enough time for travel and be considerate of others

In terms of traffic, Midsummer is the busiest time of the year. As usual, the police will be monitoring the driving habits and driving conditions of drivers during Midsummer traffic. They will also carry out traditional breath tests throughout the Midsummer period.

“Expect rush hour traffic where it’s best to avoid unnecessary haste. The time gain from overtaking is very small, but it can cause serious incidents and, in the worst case, accidents,” says Chief Superintendent Kari Onninen from the Finnish Police.

Fintraffic also calls for drivers to be patient and to practise safe driving habits.

“Moderation is now the key. During the Midsummer rush hour, queues can be minimised by always keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front. Lines of traffic then move along smoothly, without unnecessary starts and stops or accordion effects, and the driving is more economical. This saves precious seconds in case of unexpected situations and avoids tailbacks,” continues Eero Sauramäki, Head of Fintraffic’s Road Traffic Management Centre.

Well rested behind the wheel

Many of us are headed to our summer cottages for Midsummer, and the distances travelled can be very long. So it’s a good idea to assess your own driving fitness before you set off: A good night’s sleep and adequate breaks during the journey are part of being a responsible driver.

“Midsummer is often a time for going out in a group, so it’s important to remember to choose the most energetic driver. Driving distances can be long, so you should also consider changing drivers and remember that, when you’re tired or after a long evening, you’re not in the best driving condition. You should allow time for the return journey and perhaps not set off at the crack of dawn,” points out Inkeri Parkkari, Chief Adviser at Traficom.

It’s also worth looking after your friends in Midsummer traffic. The driver bears the greatest responsibility for the safe progress of the journey, but passengers can also influence it – positively or negatively. If the driver yawns, seems drowsy or says they are tired, you should suggest a change of driver.

“Passengers can also make sure that the driver is fit to drive, speeds are kept moderate and everyone is wearing their seat belts. You can and should give feedback to the driver,” says Tarja Korhonen, Communications Manager at the Finnish Road Safety Council.

Remind yourself of the procedure in the event of an accident

Before setting off on your Midsummer holiday, it’s a good idea to remind yourself of what to do in the event of an accident. Road users have a duty to call for help and to assist others in the event of an accident.

“If you notice a traffic accident, stop in a safe place and turn on your vehicle’s hazard lights. Move along the edge of the road to the site of the accident. Try to prevent additional damage by turning off the vehicle involved in the accident and by warning other traffic. You should also remember to keep yourself safe and, for example, wear a high-visibility vest after dark to ensure that you can be seen. Place the warning triangle a sufficient distance away from the accident site, contact emergency services and help the injured as much as you can. If professional aid is already present at the accident site, focus on passing the accident site safely, reduce your driving speed by a sufficient amount and do not film the accident site,” says Tommi Luhtaniemi, Senior Inspector at the Ministry of the Interior Department for Rescue Services.

The Emergency Response Centre Agency encourages drivers to download the 112 Suomi app in case of emergencies or other problems. The app provides traffic alerts based on your location, and allows you to report road conditions and traffic problems to the Road User Line. In an emergency, you should call 112 without delay.

“If you’re the first on the scene of an accident: stop and check the situation, call 112 if necessary, answer questions and follow the instructions given. It’s difficult for the Emergency Response Centre dispatcher to assess the need for assistance and the location of the accident scene if the person who reported the accident has driven past there without stopping,” says Development Manager Tommi Hopearuoho from the Emergency Response Centre Agency.

Check Midsummer traffic forecasts

Outbound traffic: 

According to the forecasts of Fintraffic’s road traffic centre, outbound Midsummer traffic will already begin to pick up on Wednesday 19 June when road traffic volumes will gradually start to rise towards the evening. However, on Wednesday evening, traffic volumes will be only slightly higher than they would be during normal evening traffic.

According to forecasts, the busiest day for outbound traffic will be Thursday 20 June: In Southern Finland, traffic will start to increase after 11 a.m. The amount of traffic will be at its peak between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., and traffic will continue to be busy until 7 p.m. In Northern Finland, outbound traffic may continue until late in the evening.

  • Queues may form during the busiest part of the day, and on the busiest stretches of road, speeds can momentarily drop by as much as 20–30 km/h.
  • The biggest reductions in speed will occur on highway 4 between Helsinki and Lusi, highway 5 between Lusi and Mikkeli, highway 6 between Loviisa and Utti, highway 9 between Tampere and Orivesi, highway 20 between Oulu and Pudasjärvi and highway 22 between Oulu and Muhos.

According to forecasts, outbound traffic will continue in the morning of Friday 21 June and will be at its busiest between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. However, on the whole, the amount of traffic on Friday will be lower than it would be on a normal Friday.

Please note that there may be momentary queues for the Turku Archipelago ferries. In the Turku archipelago, there are also two bridge construction sites in Parainen that may cause traffic problems.

Return traffic:

According to the forecasts of Fintraffic’s road traffic centre, return traffic will begin to pick up in the morning of Sunday 23 June and continue until the evening in Southern Finland. Traffic will be at its peak between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m.

  • Return traffic volumes will be clearly lighter than outbound traffic volumes. However, momentary queues and speed reductions are still possible in return traffic as well.
  • In the case of return traffic, the biggest reductions in speed will occur on highway 4 between Hartola and-Lahti, highway 6 between Kouvola and Loviisa and highway 9 between Orivesi and Tampere.

Check roadworks in advance and avoid traffic jams

The aim is to minimise the impact of roadworks on Midsummer traffic. However, roadworks can cause lowered speed limits and restrictions in the number of available lanes, which will slow down traffic.

Roadworks on main roads that might hinder traffic include:

Highway 3: Laihia bridge construction site
Highway 4: Helsinki-Järvenpää bridge work, Lahti (Joutjärvi), Konginkangas bridge work
Highway 5: Juva bridge work and Kuopio bridge work
Highway 7: Kilpilahti–Treksilä bridge work
Highway 8: Kristiinankaupunki Highway 9: Bridge work at Muurame and Hankasalmi
Highway 23: Virrat bridge work
Main road 40: Kaarina-Raisio
Main road 44: Pori Susikoski bridge work and Kankaanpää Lohikoski bridge work
Main road 51: Kirkkonummi–-Karjaa
Regional road 180: Kaarina–Parainen bridge work over the Kirjalansalmi and Hessund straits
Regional road 189: Naantali, Rymättylä

Find roadworks, traffic congestion, traffic bulletins and other real-time traffic information at the Fintraffic Traffic Situation service or on the Fintraffic Mobile app.

For up-to-date weather information and valid warnings, check the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s website well in advance of your departure.