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Data protection

The Finnish Road Safety Council is committed to protecting the privacy of its service users. We will process personal data appropriately and only to the extent necessary for our operations.  

The means of processing personal data are based on the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) of the EU.

The purpose of this policy statement is to clearly describe our methods of processing your data on our website, in our bulletin distribution system and in our other operations.

If you have any questions about our processing of personal data after reading this privacy policy, please contact us and we will do our best to answer them.

Processing of personal data when using our website

29 November 2021

Who processes your data?

The Finnish Road Safety Council (PO Box 29, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland) acts as the controller.

Anni Muukkonen, [email protected], tel. +358 (0)20 7282 340, is the contact person of the website.

Browsing the website of the Finnish Road Safety Council does not require registration

Personal data is collected from competition registrations, event sign-ups and similar sources. In these cases, the data will only be collected for its actual purpose and it will not be stored after the end of the competition or event.

When you order materials from us, we will process your personal data in order to deliver the materials.

The website of the Finnish Road Safety Council uses cookies. We use cookies to collect statistical information on the users of our website. The information is primarily used to analyse and develop the use of our site. All the collected data is anonymous and cannot be attributed to individual users. 


Processing of personal data in the press release distribution service

24 May 2018

Who processes your data?

The Finnish Road Safety Council (PO Box 29, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland) acts as the controller.

Minna Saarinen, [email protected], tel. +358 (0)20 7282 331, is the contact person of the press release distribution service.

Why and on what grounds do we process personal data?

Communications regarding various traffic safety topics are an essential part of the operations of the Finnish Road Safety Council. We collect personal data in order to implement this service, in other words to publish press releases and newsletters. We may also use personal data to further develop our operations and evaluate the success of our communications.

We send newsletters to our stakeholders and individuals who have subscribed to the newsletter on our website.

The processing of personal data is based on either the individual’s consent or some other legitimate interest. For example, when you subscribe to the newsletter of the Finnish Road Safety Council, we will ask for your consent for the processing of your personal data.

The Finnish Road Safety Council is bound by law to promote traffic safety. Based on a legitimate interest, the Finnish Road Safety Council may send press releases to individuals whose work and position include traffic safety.

What types of personal data do we collect?

We collect names and e-mail addresses for distributing press releases and newsletters. Our press release publication system analytics also collects the following data:

  • time and location of opening the messages, based on the IP address
  • the date on which the individual joined or was added to the distribution list of the Finnish Road Safety Council
  • which links were clicked and when
  • the e-mail client used to open the message
  • sharing the message on social media
  • IP address

Our bulletin distribution system registers your IP address when you subscribe to the newsletter or click a link in the newsletter. At the same time, the system also collects approximate location data with the precision determined by the IP address. For more information on locating the IP address, please visit the website of the service provider. (Opens in a new window)

How do we store your data?

When you unsubscribe from the newsletter or we are otherwise notified of the change, we will erase your personal data. Once you have unsubscribed, your e-mail address will remain in the system to ensure we will not send any more mail to you.

What are the sources of personal data and how is the data updated?

We collect personal data directly from you when you, for example, subscribe to our newsletter, meet us in person or otherwise contact us. We may also collect data from publicly available sources, such as magazines and the Internet, and from data files maintained by external service providers.

The data will be updated on the basis of information received directly from you and from public sources, for example.

The data will not be used for automated decision-making or profiling.

Disclosure and transfer of personal data and transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA

The press release distribution service of the Finnish Road Safety Council is provided by an external service provider, and the personal data is processed on the service provider’s servers located outside the EU. Our service provider complies with data protection legislation, and the personal data will not be forwarded to other parties without approval from the Finnish Road Safety Council.

Personal data will not be disclosed to other third parties.

How do we protect your data?

The data in the bulletin publication system is protected with technological and administrative security arrangements of the service provider and the Finnish Road Safety Council.

The Finnish Road Safety Council’s surveys, draws, competitions, registrations and orders

4 April 2024

Who processes your data?

The Finnish Road Safety Council (PO Box 29, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland) acts as the controller.

The contact person is Leena Pöysti, [email protected], tel. +358 207 282 333.

Why and on what grounds do we process personal data?

Surveys and draws

The Finnish Road Safety Council conducts surveys related to its activities and feedback surveys as well as collects research data. These surveys usually do not collect personal data from which individuals can be identified. If the response can be connected to a respondent, this will be disclosed in the survey.

If the survey includes a competition or a draw, the respondents are directed to another survey in which the processing of personal data is based on the person’s own consent.


The Finnish Road Safety Council collects registrations for various events. Collected personal data is only processed for the purpose of organising the specific event. This processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Finnish Road Safety Council related to the relationship between the party registering for the event and the Finnish Road Safety Council. The relationship begins when the person registers for an event organised by the Finnish Road Safety Council and when the processing takes place for purposes that the participant could reasonably have expected at the time of the collection of personal data and in connection with it. The interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects do not become marginalised during the processing of personal data based on the above-mentioned legitimate interest.

The Finnish Road Safety Council collects registrations for teams related to its activities. Personal data is processed for the purpose of selecting and communicating with team members. The processing of personal data is based on the person’s own consent.

Material orders

The Finnish Road Safety Council can provide material for events related to traffic safety, for example. Collected personal data is only processed for the purpose of sending specific materials and for collecting possible feedback. This processing is based on the legitimate interest of the Finnish Road Safety Council related to the relationship between the party ordering materials and the Finnish Road Safety Council. The relationship begins when the person orders materials from the Finnish Road Safety Council and when the processing takes place for purposes that the orderer could reasonably have expected at the time of the collection of personal data and in connection with it. The interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of data subjects do not become marginalised during the processing of personal data based on the above-mentioned legitimate interest.

What information do we collect about you?

Surveys and draws

  • personal data is not collected in anonymous surveys
  • in general, the e-mail addresses of the respondents are collected in draws and competitions.

Event registrations may ask for the following information, among other things:

  • name
  • contact details
  • special dietary requirements
  • accommodation and transport needs
  • participation in various workshops, etc.

Team registrations may ask for the following information, among other things:

  • name
  • organisation
  • age
  • email address
  • phone number
  • domicile

Material orders may ask for the following information, among other things:

  • name
  • organisation
  • delivery address
  • email address.

Children’s data and special categories of personal data are not processed in the register. If children’s data are processed, consent for processing is requested from the child’s guardian.

How do we store your data?

Surveys and draws

If personal data is associated with research materials, they are stored for an indefinite period of time. If personal data is associated with feedback surveys or with other surveys, they are stored until the performance evaluation has been reported and approved.

Personal data of participants in draws and competitions is destroyed as soon as the winners have been contacted.


Personal data related to event registrations is destroyed as soon as the arrangements related to the events, such as a feedback survey or other surveys, are finished. Personal data is stored for a maximum of one year after the event has been organised.

Personal data related to team registrations is destroyed as soon as the members of the team have been selected and the related communication regarding the selection process has been completed.

Material orders

Personal data related to material orders will be destroyed as soon as the arrangements for transactions related to ordered materials are finished. Personal data is stored for a maximum of one year.

What are the sources of personal data and how is the data updated?

Surveys and draws

The data related to event and team registrations is obtained from the data subjects themselves. The data will not be updated because it will be disposed of immediately after the draw has been completed.


The data related to event and team registrations is obtained from the data subjects themselves. The data can be updated based on information received from the data subjects.

Material orders

In material orders, the information is obtained from the persons themselves; the information is usually not updated.

Data is not used for automated decision-making or profiling.

Transfers and disclosures of personal data and transfers of data outside the EU or EEA

Personal data of those participating in draws and competitions, those registering for events or teams and those ordering materials are processed in a third-party service.

Information collected during event registrations can be disclosed to partners participating in the event organisation (e.g. to a hotel); information is usually not disclosed to other third parties.

Your rights and how to use them

You have the right to:

  • receive transparent information on the processing of personal data
  • inspect whether the Finnish Road Safety Council is processing your personal data, which data is processed and how
  • demand the rectification of any inaccurate data or the completion of incomplete data
  • erase your data, for example, if the processing of your data is based on your consent
  • transfer the data from one system to another if the processing of your data is based on your consent or an agreement and the data is processed automatically
  • restrict the processing of data in certain situations
  • object to the processing; for example, you can refuse our newsletters and bulletins at any time. The simplest method of refusing is to follow the link in an electronic message.
  • object to automated, individual decisions, including profiling

Who can I contact?

In data protection questions related to inspections, rectifications or refusals, please contact us in writing:

Liikenneturva – Finnish Road Safety Council
PO Box 29
FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland
[email protected]

Please note that we may verify your identity before fulfilling your request. We will primarily aim to respond to your request within the time frame specified in the GDPR, in other words approximately 24 hours.

You can use your right of inspection once a year free of charge. If your inspection requests are clearly unfounded, unreasonable or frequent or you request several copies, we will charge EUR 50 per request for the fulfilment of the request, based on administrative costs, or refuse the fulfilment of the request.

Your right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority

Data subjects are entitled to file a complaint to the supervisory authority. Complaints to the Finnish supervisory authority should be addressed to:

Office of the data protection ombudsman
PO Box 800
FI-00531 Helsinki, Finland
[email protected]